Managed Web Hosting

A service that takes care of the technical details related to running your website

We do all the technical work while you focus on growing your business

So you’ve probably heard of WordPress by now. It’s a great platform that allows you to manage the content on your website without learning how to code.

The only problem is that it’s really tricky to set up the right way for you to be able to manage content easily. Surgenomics can get a WordPress website built from scratch for your business and can train you on how to use it so that you can make changes on the website yourself!

Want to speak to someone that can get you setup?
It’s a very simple 4 step process:

1. You Get in Touch

1. You Get in Touch

You get a hold of us by phone or email and we set up a time to discuss your businesses goals and set targets.

2. We Do Research

2. We Do Research

Our team researches the ideal customer for you and figures out which medium to use to best reach them.

3. We Build Your Site

3. We Build Your Site

Once the research phase is complete, we create your website and optimize delivery.

4. You Get Customers

4. You Get Customers

We provide you with a report showing the number of visitors your ad campaign has sent you.

Are you ready to get more customers?